Step 1: We will send you our initial paperwork which includes our introductory letter, Transaction Guide (incorporating our Terms & Conditions), a PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) for you to complete and a Source of Funds form for you to complete. These are generally sent by e-mail and unless you have the relevant software you will need to print off the forms in order to complete them. If you do not have access to a printer we can also send hard copies in the post.

Step 2: We will contact the seller’s solicitor and request from them:

  • A copy of the Title Deeds
  • A draft Contract
  • A Fittings & Contents Form (TA10) (filled out by the seller)
  • A Property Information Form (TA6) (filled out by the seller)
  • If the property is leasehold – a Leasehold Information Form (TA7)(filled out by the seller)

N.B. It may take some time for the solicitor to obtain all of this information.

Step 3: You return the completed PIQ and Source of Funds form and provide us with the initial payment on account. We will need to verify your identity, address and your source of funds. We utilise an app called Thirdfort to enable you to verify your identity remotely (you will need a smartphone and a current passport or driving licence in order to use the app). Please note that even if you are an existing client we may need to re-verify your identity and address.

Along with the completed a Source of Funds form you should provide us with all of the necessary supporting documentation. We will not be able to progress with your purchase until we have verified the source of funds in order to comply with Anti Money Laundering Regulations.

Once we have received the draft Contract and your payment on account we will carry out:

  • A Local Authority Search
  • A Water and Drainage Search
  • An Environmental Search 
  • A Mining Search (if applicable)
  • A Chancel Check (if applicable)

We should normally receive the results of these searches within five to ten working days* depending on the Local Authority.

*Please note that there are some Local Authorities where the turnaround time for searches is up to 60 days.

We will also send you a copy of the Fittings & Contents Form, Property Information Form, title plan showing the boundaries of the property and the EPC (Energy Performance Certificate).

The Law Society has produced a set of explanatory notes to assist you in understanding the contents of the Property Information Form (TA6). You can access the notes here:

TA6 Explanatory Notes

Step 4: If you are getting a mortgage, we will need to see a copy of your mortgage offer. The Lender will send this directly to us around the same time that you receive your own personal copy.

Step 5: Once we have all the documentation listed in steps 2-4 and all enquiries have been satisfied we will ask you to sign the contract. You may come into the office whereby your legal advisor will go through the details with you or we can send it to you in the post with a detailed report to ensure that you know what you are signing. If you are happy with everything then we are now ready to exchange.

N.B. If you are just buying we will also need to get a deposit from you. This will need to be in our bank account as cleared funds before we can exchange contracts.

Step 6: When both buyer and seller are ready to proceed to exchange a completion date (the moving date) is agreed. If there are a number of people in the chain this date may require a good deal of negotiating. At this stage any party is still free to walk away from the deal as contracts have not yet been exchanged.

Step 7: EXCHANGE. Once a completion date is agreed we are able to exchange contracts. (This is done by your solicitor via telephone, you do not need to be present for exchange as you have already signed the contract papers in readiness.) You are now committed to purchase and cannot pull out of the transaction without incurring major expense. You can now confirm the arrangements and dates with your removal company.

Step 8: COMPLETION. This is the day that you actually move house. We send the balance of the purchase price to your sellers’ solicitors and once they receive the funds the keys will be released to you by the estate agents (unless other arrangements have been made). You can now move in. 

N.B. Please be aware that delays can sometimes occur in the transfer of money and this can delay the release of keys. This delay is unavoidable but we will do what we can to minimise any problems. Ideally you should aim to be ready to move in by lunchtime at the earliest.